By Mike Roberts
In our last adventure, we brought our right hand arpeggiation skills into the realms of folky rock and bluegrass. With some American music in our fingers, it’s time now to cross the Atlantic, turn back the clock a couple hundred years, and explore the music of Italian classical guitarist Matteo Carcassi (1792-1853).
Carcassi was a virtuoso player, but he wrote many pieces for beginners. He also wrote a classical guitar method book which is still widely used today. In fact, Carcassi’s method was my introduction to the world of classical guitar, back when I was an unruly teenager channeling Yngwie Malmsteen and Joe Satriani. The exercises in the Carcassi method are simple enough to be playable by neophytes, but rich enough in musical goodness to hook a jaded rocker like the 16-year-old Mike. They are also perfect illustrations of the right hand arpeggiated patterns we have been studying. Even if you’re not an aspiring classical player, these little pieces are worth a look; you’ll find all of these patterns and chords in American vernacular styles as well.
Carcassi’s pieces often use only a fragment of a chord, taking our stripped-down fingerings from “Will the Circle Be Unbroken” and stripping them down even more. Because the fingerings can be so different from the standard ones, it’s easy to lose any sense of which chord is being implied in the music. However, virtually every arpeggiated chord is drawn from, or is very similar to, a standard fingering. Hence, I’ve included the full, standard fingering of each chord above the music to show you how Carcassi’s fingerings relate to the standard shapes.
Otherwise, the rules here are the same as last time: your left hand fingering is the same as the fret numbers in the tablature (with index equaling 1, middle 2, etc.), except where noted with a numeral between the standard staff and TAB staff. I’ve given a range of possible tempos; be sure to start on the slow side when you bring in your metronome. (Notice I said when, not if! Come on, it’s good for you.)
The rest should be pretty self-explanatory, but if anything needs clarification, please e-mail me and let me know. Enjoy!
Click on image for full view:
What to Practice:
1) Learn the chord shapes from each exercise before attempting them with the right hand patterns. Notice that Carcassi often uses different pieces of a single chord, or changes just a single note—usually the bass note (i.e., the lowest note). You don’t have to memorize every little variation, but do be aware of what chord you’re playing as you move through each exercise. There are a lot of classical guitarists who play beautifully but have no idea what’s going on under their fingers. Don’t be one of them!
2) Learn all three exercises, and check out the Carcassi Guitar Method if you’re hankering for more.
Next Week: More goodness from Signor Carcassi.
See you then,
E-mail Mike: [email protected]
Classical Guitar note
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